Careers Education and Guidance
Dartford Grammar School for Girls recognises the importance of careers education and guidance to prepare students for the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities of life, during which they must be able to respond to the changing demands of a technological age, adapt to differing modes of employment, develop lifelong learning resources, and balance work and leisure.
Dartford Grammar School for Girls is committed to enabling students to understand the working environment in which they will eventually participate. We recognise that it is important for students to identify their own strengths and aptitudes. Working with students, parents/carers and school staff we aim to raise student aspirations to ensure they plan to achieve, and attain, full learning and career potential.
The school encourages and supports appropriate work experience opportunities and placements, as well as providing information and support to students making applications for employment and further and higher education.
At Dartford Grammar School for Girls we want students to be enthusiastic and motivated by their future careers rather than find it a daunting experience. By embedding careers into the curriculum, engaging with alumni, employers, universities and taking part in careers activities, students will engage more fluidly with their future and make choices that suit their interests and strengths inside and outside of school. Each student who meets with the Careers Adviser will work on an Action Plan which gives them the opportunity to take ownership of their pathway and have the confidence to explore in an impartial environment.
The school’s careers programme builds from year to year as students move through the school. A summary of our approach is below, for information:
Careers Department
Ms Smith, Careers Lead, develops and leads the Careers Strategy alongside Miss Longley Assistant Headteacher, ensuring that the school offers a coherent careers programme that meets all eight of the Gatsby benchmarks. By meeting these benchmarks, Dartford Grammar School for Girls is committed to preparing students for the next step of their journey.
Our Careers Manager, Mrs Kennedy, helps students to progress, plan and manage their own futures. Alongside planning and leading activities for all year groups, Mrs Kennedy is the first point of contact for students, parents/carers, employers and other bodies relating to careers.
Measuring Impact and Evaluating Provision
Dartford Grammar School for Girls regularly evaluates the effectiveness of the careers programme, analysing and tracking student progress and destinations at all levels. Destination data is used to determine success and transition to the next stage while the effectiveness is further measured against the Gatsby Benchmarks.
The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks provide a framework for effective careers guidance, which helps shape the careers program at DGGS. Our programme is designed around these benchmarks to ensure that students receive timely and relevant information and experiences related to career and educational opportunities, enhancing their curriculum learning:
- A stable careers program
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the individual needs of each student
- Connecting curriculum learning to career pathways
- Opportunities to engage with employers and employees
- Experiences in real workplace settings
- Encounters with further and higher education institutions
- Personal guidance and support
We regularly consider the views of the entire school community; students, parents/carers, and staff, through the use of Google surveys. This feedback is regularly reviewed and necessary improvements are put in place. The careers programme at Dartford Grammar School for Girls is continuously developing and is flexible to meet the needs and demands of the students we serve. A designated governor has responsibility for overseeing the quality of the careers programme in school and the next formal review will be undertaken in October 2024.
Careers Documents
Understanding labour market information (LMI) is crucial for making informed decisions about your future career. It provides insights into job availability, demand trends, salary expectations, working hours, and much more. When you're beginning your career research, LMI can simplify the complexities of the job market. Having accurate and current information empowers you to make thoughtful choices.
LMI can help you discover:
- Are there job opportunities available in my area, or will I need to relocate for my desired career?
- Does the salary for my ideal job match my financial expectations? If not, am I comfortable with that discrepancy?
- How long will it take to advance in my career to reach my goals, and am I prepared to put in the necessary effort?
- How competitive is my industry? Do I have a backup plan if my initial career path doesn’t pan out as I hope?
- Is pursuing college, university, an apprenticeship, or starting from an entry-level position the best route for me?
Labour Market InformationCareerometer
Career of the Month
We focus on "Careers of the Month" to align our programming with student aspirations, ensuring that each featured career resonates with their interests and goals. By highlighting diverse professions, we aim to inspire students and provide them with relevant insights into potential pathways. This initiative not only fosters awareness of various career options but also empowers students to envision their futures and make informed decisions about their educational journeys. Ultimately, we want to create a supportive environment that encourages exploration and growth in line with their personal ambitions.
Mechanical EngineerFebruary
Careers Newsletter
Our Careers Newsletters compile all the opportunities from various employers and universities to keep students informed about potential career paths. We created these newsletters to help students stay updated on available options and empower them to apply for positions that align with their interests.
Term 1
Term 2
Edition 4Edition 6Edition 7Edition 8Edition 9
Term 3
Edition 11Edition 12 Edition 13Edition 14Edition 15Edition 16Term 4
Edition 18Edition 19Edition 20Information and Guidance for Students
All students at Dartford Grammar School for Girls have a Unifrog account, which provides a wealth of advice and guidance. Students should be logging into Unifrog regularly in order to seek out opportunities, log interactions, complete research and log Careers activities. Unifrog can be accessed by clicking on the following link:
Key Stage 3
Take the buzz quiz:
Consider a range of options:
Find information on pathways and courses:
Key Stage 4
Build knowledge on qualifications and careers:
Find out about university:
Find out about different options:
Research your next steps:
Key Stage 5
Find specific information about your fields of interest, entry requirements and options:
Information and Guidance for Parents/Carers
You can support your daughter/son to consider their future career by discussing areas that interest them. Supporting your child by helping them to consider their strengths and areas to develop, alongside researching a variety of careers may encourage them to consider the skills required for different career pathways. When thinking about their career, it is important that students know about education, employment and training in their fields of interest, alongside thinking about the entrance requirements for various fields. Students are encouraged to fully embed themselves in the wider school community in order to develop their skills as well-rounded young people alongside focusing on their academic studies. Below are website links that may provide further support when guiding your daughter/son:
If you have any questions relating to Careers Information and Advice and/or Higher Education support at Dartford Grammar School for Girls, we would be pleased to hear from you. Similarly, if you would like to volunteer to visit the school to share professional advice, please contact Mrs Kennedy. She can be contacted via email or by telephone on 01322 223123 ext. 257.
Information and Guidance for Employers
At DGGS, we believe that collaboration with employers is vital for enriching our students' educational experience and ensuring students are future ready.
If you would like to support us with any of the below events, please contact Mrs Kennedy via email:
DGGS In-House Careers Fair – Tuesday 26th November 2024
Our in-house careers fair will be taking place on Tuesday 26th November. This will run from 9am to 3.20pm. During the school day, all students will have the chance to visit the Fair and engage with representatives from companies, universities and various professional fields. This bespoke and personal interaction will allow our students to ask questions, gather information and gain a deeper understanding of the diverse opportunities available to them.
We believe that this Careers Fair will be an invaluable experience, encouraging our students to think critically about their futures and the paths they might pursue.
If you would like to be involved with our Careers Fair or future events of this kind please do let us know.
Year 12 / Year 10 Work Experience Week – 7th to 11th July 2025
As part of our commitment to ensure our students are future ready, we extend to every Year 12 and Year 10 student the opportunity of engaging in face-to-face work experience during our Curriculum Enhancement Week.
If you are able to help with any of the below please email Mrs Kennedy:
- Offer a placement to an interested student
- Offer students support in writing a cover letter or CV
- school leaver vacancies or apprenticeship programmes
- part-time jobs for our sixth form students
- competitions and projects that our students and/or their teachers might like to get involved with
Information and Guidance for Teachers
Please see below our DGGS Teachers guide