Dartford Grammar School for Girls


"The school provides a very successful traditional academic curriculum.  It also encourages pupils to excel in creative disciplines such as Art, Dance, Drama and Music."   


Our Curriculum Vision

 At Dartford Grammar School for Girls we strive for excellence and our academic curriculum is rigorously planned, taught and assessed in order to extend the learning of all students in all key stages.  It is designed to challenge, excite and motivate our highly able students, to help them to achieve high academic outcomes and prepare them for the next stage of their learning or future destinations.

We aim to provide opportunities and maximise life chances for all students and we do this through:

  • Giving our students access to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement
  • Designing a curriculum that is underpinned by knowledge, both declarative and procedural
  • Being aware that powerful knowledge is an end itself
  • Knowing that we are empowered by knowing
  • Focusing on knowledge in our curriculum is specific in detail by
    •  Ensuring that the knowledge in our curriculum is sequenced, mapped and   coherent
    •  Ensuring that the knowledge in our curriculum taught to be remembered
    • Utilising methods to achieve this including interleaved spaced and cumulative testing and repeated practice
  • Using our innovative and high challenge approach to learning of High Impact Teaching Strategies

Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3, students study a curriculum that is made up of three core subjects and 12 foundation and additional subjects.  Students will study these over a two-week timetable.

Please click here to find out more about the Key Stage 3 curriculum being taught to each Year group.

Key Stage 4

Our students follow the Key Stage 4 curriculum in Years 9, 10 and 11. This additional year enables students to explore subjects in greater depth, allowing the teachers to teach the best that has been thought and said.  Students are then able to access the highest GCSE grades in readiness for A Levels in Key Stage 5.

Please click here to find out more about the Key Stage 4 curriculum being taught to each Year group. 

Key Stage 5 (Sixth Form)

We offer a dynamic curriculum of both depth and breadth and a learning environment which gives students the opportunity to:

  1. Develop personal skills through enrichment activities such as the wider curriculum
  2. Participate in activities which support their learning
  3. Be intellectually stretched to achieve the highest standards possible

Please click here to find out about the A Levels we offer and more about the Key Stage 5 curriculum being taught to each Year group.