Dartford Grammar School for Girls

University and Careers

"Pupils benefit from high-quality guidance. They are provided with impartial advice about their potential next steps after Year 11 and Year 13"  


During Sixth Form there is, quite naturally, an important focus on the transition from school to higher education and/or the workplace. Whilst a great deal of information is delivered to students during the school day we believe it is useful to share links to websites that will support students as well as resources that will help parents/carers to support our students. More information can be found on the main careers page. 

UCAS: Process and Support

The UCAS process begins towards the end of Year 12 but students are encouraged to fully embrace the life of the Sixth Form and wider school community from their first day in order to support any applications. There are a wealth of opportunities in the Sixth Form for students to take leadership roles, work across the community, build character and develop experiences as an individual. For most students, the UCAS process is the ultimate culmination of all the hard work students have put into their school life and we fully support each student to complete their applications to the best of their abilities.

The University application process is extremely thorough at DGGS and we are very proud to have various different strands that run through the programme. There is a dedicated team of staff in school to support every individual with each stage of their application process. Support activities include; answering questions, supporting with applications, reading through personal statements and meeting with students individually throughout the process.

Advice for Students

Amongst other useful links on the central Careers webpage, an important part of the student application is the Personal Statement. Information and advice on what to include and how to structure it can be found by clicking here

Students can also access a wide range of videos to help with all aspects of the application process by clicking here

The UCAS news app is available to download for free by clicking here.

University Resources for Parents/Carers

The official 'Parent Guide' to the university application process can be found by clicking here

Information, resources and videos to guide parents and carers through the stages of the application process can be found by clicking here.

An additional information tool containing advice, hints and tips to help support students through the application process can be found by clicking here

Careers Adviser

All students in the Sixth Form are encouraged to speak 1:1 with the Careers Adviser, alongside their mandatory meetings. This is an impartial service to inspire students, share concerns, anxieties or excitement around career choices. The service closely follows the CDI framework by encouraging students to take control of their future, explore possibilities and see the bigger picture. The environment created is without judgement and promotes aspiration as well as realistic approaches to the world of work today. Part of the Careers Adviser’s role is to ensure that students are interacting with workplaces, employers, universities and apprenticeships to ensure each student finds their perfect fit for the future.


Higher Level and Degree Apprenticeships are increasingly popular and we ensure that students are continuously informed of opportunities available to them.

Information about the Post A Level Higher Level apprenticeships our students should focus on, and how to apply for them, can be found here:

Further Guidance and Information

Some Sixth Form students may be undecided about their future intentions, in which case it might be helpful for the students to complete the Morrisby Online Assessment, a flexible online careers tool, based on psychometric assessments, which can help students when making decisions regarding the next step to reach their ideal career. The assessment costs £25 for DGGS students and can be taken in school.  You may wish to refer to the Morrisby website by clicking here

If you have any other queries, please contact Mrs L Kennedy at: lkennedy@dartfordgrammargirls.org.uk